Welcome to our slowly getting updated website


"Please allow for some major changes to our website; some overdue editing.  Thank you" (October 2024)

Samaritana Gambia is proudly lead by Country DirectorMarian Faye.

Samaritana Liberia is equally proudly led by Rebecca McBrowne & Wubu Flomo


Marian served as an Intern in 2017 and within 1 year was Team leader.

In 2019 she was appointed as Samaritana Leader

She is contactable on +220 298 6979 and at Marianfaye727@gmail.com as well as on Tiktok & Whatsapp


Rebecca & Wubu responded strongly in 2020, to the possibility that God might be leading Samaritana to open a Safe Home for abused girls in Liberia.

Within 1 year right at the end of training for the 5 who signed up to Do anything Go anywhere for Jesus in order to Rescue girls and boys who had or were being sexually abused.

On that last weekend, they got a call for the neighbouring community of a group rape:

In they went investigating, comforting and confronting the parents of the animals who had raped “H”. parents were claiming their boys were minors etc etc. fter going back again in the night to meet with them, Rebecca showed her flowering leadership and investigating skills by informing the parents that the Police had an Age Testing machine and then everyone would know the truth! The parents faces all fell as they realised that they would be (had been) found out! As you will very probably know, there is NO Age testing machine lolol Another time Rb has pretended to have a gun to force the arrest of that animal. The team is now a total of 8 as well as 2 tutors for girls not in school but in the Safe Home.

To date the Team has arrested 6 animals, transported another 6 to Reamnd prison, forced arrest of another 6 and altogether we have 70 active cases of girls and boys in our books.

We are currently looking @5 acres to buy. Watch this space

The Gambia

Recently Marian in The Gambia has had varied sometimes good interaction with the Nigerian Embassy as she has attempted to get Naatip to do their job, but despite many wordy promises they have failed the victims and never actually helped in any way what so ever, but remain happy we take in girls rather than the less than perfect governent shelter. (National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons) (the Goverment Justice Dept Unit charged with prosecuting Traffickers etc). [See the State Dept TIP report of their “efforts” over the last decade!

https://www.state.gov/reports/2024-trafficking-in-persons-report/gambia/ https://www.state.gov/reports/2024-trafficking-in-persons-report/liberia/ Read between the lines of both “diplomatic”reports and you can see just how both countries are “under performing”……

Getting Naatip to do their job in The Gambia has proved fruitless, for 5 years we have been trying to get them to sign an MOU written as they demanded. Trying to get them to support girls who escape the Ghetto’s (aka Brothels) Supply them with heaps of evidence. ll to no avail!]

However the Nigerian Embassy has on the whole cooperated with our requests to assist the survivors to get back to Nigeria, where we have a number of Nigerian colleagues who meet them and help them with family issues etc.

We have been blessed just now in working with IOM (International Organisation for Migration UN) who seem only too willing to help instead of eating their budget or doing very little to fulfil their moral, ethical, human & legal responsibilities. A huge thanks for their staff and keeping their promises as well as being sympathetic to our being let down by Naatip.

Some further Background to The Gambia

In 2015 Samaritana started reaching out to women who were hustling their bodies on the infamous Gambian tourist strip.

From there it grew into making Recycled plastic water bags, then Rag bagir bodies, then Recyclable Sanitary kits, all the while visiting the local brothels to show love to the girls/women there.

2 Interns in 2017 took things to the next level and began doing three-week presentations in schools, where we quickly uncovered a high degree of sexual abuse both by staff and in local communities.

After years of fighting to get Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with some Government departments amidst demands for fast fast money from their people, we now have, 3 years later MOUs with the Education Department, Department of Social Services, the Police and the support of the local Bakau community.

God provided an excellent Compound so Samaritana Gambia can now provide accommodation as requested by victims, police and family. Additionally in the compound God provided 3x 2 bdrm apartments for Airbnb income.

We also run a Free Community Library there with 1500 books, provide occupational and small group Rehabilitation using Play, Dance, Puppets, Water and Song Poems and other forms of Therapy. South African Tracy was very popular

In 2020, after our fast promoted Intern to Investigator to Team Leader to Country Director’s instigation, directed us to start a parallel Samaritana in Liberia.

T’s reception there by a number of young women was spontaneous clapping: They knew there was no Home with Love for those who were desperate for a Safe Home to escape their abuse.

April 2022, God provided a way for Samaritana Liberia to open a Safe House. Since then the team has been expanded to 9 and they are doing incredible work, karate kicking offenders down, even arresting offenders and transporting them police, then court then to the remad jail.

Police in both countries are a big problem playing with cases, needing our transport, they are not regularly paid and wait months sometimes for their pitiful pay. They no cars or phone credits for them and especially in Liberia look for bribes.

All cuedos to Isaac George and his offsiders in the Justice Dept GBSV (Gender BAsed Sexual Vioence) Unit who love our team and back them to the hilt, making phone calls to reluctant police which then ensures cooperation!

Two new Samaritana Liberian workers with Tru – October 2021